The high-security psychiatric facility, Broadmoor Hospital, undertook a fascinating study. Globally renowned for its research and highly specialised care for patients with some of the most severe mental health disorders, the study looked at the effect 20 minutes of sunlight in the morning would have on patients' moods. Not only did the results show a significant improvement in mood, but, to the researchers' astonishment, it proved to have a far greater positive effect than even some anti-depressants.
I've been getting more and more fascinated by the circadian rhythm* and its impact on our minds and bodies and what I keep reading is this: strengthen your circadian rhythm and you'll decrease feelings of depression, weight issues (including risk of diabetes) and anxiety, plus you'll boost happiness, immunity, sex drive, concentration and energy levels. Importantly, natural light in the morning is key to getting a good restorative kip at night.
* Our circadian rhythm is our internal timer set by exposure to daylight and darkness, signalling to our brains when to be alert and when to rest. Every life form on Earth has a circadian rhythm. Even Jeremy Clarkson.
“Sunlight is powerful stuff, perhaps more powerful than most people realise.”
“Every aspect of how we function is controlled by light.”
Quotes from: BBC Radio 4 - why morning light is so crucial to your health.
Now I am not a naturally motivated person. Or a morning person. I have to really mule myself into a new habit, plus leaving the cosy cocoon of my bed is like being dragged from the womb backwards into a cold shock of a world every day. Especially in a dark freezing January. But I've made adopting a sunny disposition my habit because it's so easy: 20 minutes. Outside. In the morning (ideally not too long after you've woken up). My husband even laughed at me the other day that on leaving the house I was spitting venom about the broken-down washing machine and by about Minute 13 I was waxlyricalling over pretty frost on fallen leaves. That's 13 minutes to morph from Wife Monster to Peace Partner. The only rub is you have to ditch the sunglasses in winter and showcase your under-eye baggage - but this feels a minor inconvenience when the benefits are so high (with practice the eye bags surely decrease!). It doesn't have to be ☀️SUNSHINE☀️, a shy winter sun hiding behind cloud is enough. And if you really want to boost your circadian rhythm you can throw in regular mealtimes and regular bedtimes to boot.
“In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer”
Sending love and light (even to Jeremy Clarkson),
Jo x
P.S. Thank you so much for reading my musings, I've been blown away by the feedback, support, sharing and sign-ups!
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